
Social and Physical Inclusion of Paraplegic Youth by Using Virtual Reality

People living with disabilities encounter obstacles on a daily basis that make the world less accessible. One billion people in the world have some sort of disability and these individuals must deal with physical barriers, discriminatory attitudes, and other challenges. Virtual reality provides opportunities for many for socialization, adventure, and experiences they may not in the real world.
VR technology completely blends in with our daily lives. Video games, the media, medicine, entertainment, education… But what is it exactly?

Now Sprint! Accellerator Program

We are happy to introduce our partnership with the Now Sprint! Accelerator Program! This is an accelerator program by Stage-Co. European Development Network will be a supporting partner of the Program.

PeaceCraft 2.0 – Let’s Craft Peace Together

Refugees and migration are controversial and polarising topics across Europe. However, increasing diversity is a reality that brings opportunities and challenges. Instead of deepening the division on the topic, more than ever constructive dialogue is essential. Moreover, today (young) refugees are a part of society. To overcome the growing tension in society and to seize opportunities, youngsters have to work together to design the solutions of tomorrow.
PeaceCraft project, a best practice that took place in Flanders, Belgium and was executed by !DROPS and U Move 4 Peace, the socio-artistic component of the peace movement Pax Christi Vlaanderen. Both organisations started this project from the realisation that youth workers (and teachers) lack the tools to engage in a meaningful debate about refugees.

Local Workshop of the “Young Ideas Sustainable Cities” Project

“On March 7-8, 2020, Erasmus Plus (KA3) Structured Dialogue: Local Workshop of the “Young Ideas Sustainable Cities” project was carried out within the scope of the “Meeting Between Decision-Makers in Youth and Youth” program. Speakers, panelists and participants have worked in different workshops and produced the Solutions Policy for Sustainable Cities for 2 days on what is a smart and sustainable city, the features required for a city to be sustainable, examples of smart cities from Europe and the World.