
The European Development Network Summit’s Projects

The European Development Network Summit has shown its importance with the help of all of its members and participants of the Summit. During the Summit, 7 different consortiums for 7 different project ideas were established with the involvement of 37 institutions!

The European Development Network, together with its members, is preparing to bring these great ideas to life with the upcoming funding opportunities. The EDN continues to work hard to provide for its members, with the help of all! As we say here at the EDN, #bettertogether.


Social and Physical Inclusion of Paraplegic Youth by Using Virtual Reality

People living with disabilities encounter obstacles on a daily basis that make the world less accessible. One billion people in the world have some sort of disability and these individuals must deal with physical barriers, discriminatory attitudes, and other challenges. Virtual reality provides opportunities for many for socialization, adventure, and experiences they may not in the real world.
VR technology completely blends in with our daily lives. Video games, the media, medicine, entertainment, education… But what is it exactly?

Which Came First the Creative Person the Creative Industries?

As everyone knows, chicken and egg situation is widely accepted dilemma. Correspond to it, the new question has arisen recently with the development of creativity and innovation concepts. With the assumption that individual creativity will create prosperity, the Creative Industries that intersect with the concept of innovation commonly used in the world of economics have the potential to directly influence the practices that transform higher education in Europe. In parallel with individualization, it is the dominant view that the increase in the number of creative individuals raises the creative industries and these emerging industries are pioneers in the development of new creative individuals. So it is the process and system feed each other.

Importance of Internship for Youth Employment in EU

Since the global financial crisis, high youth-unemployment rates have been a problem across the world. One region that has been hit particularly hard by this problem is Europe — in both its developed economies and its emerging ones. In a recent note to clients, Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Michael Hartnett and Brian Leung shared a chart showing the youth-unemployment rates across EU countries.