2. Solution Suggestion – 7 Steps to Success in Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Projects

We need to bring a solution suggestion to the problems which we determined in detail to create a realistic impact in the previous phase of this blog “1. Problem Analysis – 7 Steps to Success in Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Projects” This suggestion should emphasize on issues like innovation, open source, developing digital skills, inclusion in the program in order to be considered as an appropriate idea within Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships.

1. Problem Analysis – 7 Steps to Success in Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Projects

Doing problem analysis wrongly is the main mistake that Insititutions and project managers often make when designing projects. The initial mistakes at this stage, which is the first and most important step of the project management cycle, directly affect the whole project process and the result. At this point, actual causes of the problem which is aimed to be solved through an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project, should be anayzed. Also, you will be able to understand the real problem and factors affecting it via the following questions which will help you to focus on solutions properly.

How to Successfully Manage a Horizon 2020 Funded Project

10 practical tips on research project management

Closely adhere to the call text when developing your project Projects that closely adhere to the call texts turn out to be more successful. So successful projects start from a thorough analysis of the grant call itself. Within Horizon 2020, call texts are less detailed and wider in scope as compared to previous Framework Programmes. Nevertheless, the call text is the most important guideline for setting up a first outline of the envisioned project. Always keep in mind what is being asked for in the call and what is needed to best accomplish it.

How to Create an Effective Project Management Process with 7 Steps ?

The success of any project relies on a project manager’s ability to design a tailored, project-specific methodical approach to project execution. The approach must align with the needs of the client and the strengths of their team. Creating an effective work structure requires a great deal of consideration and is not a role that just anyone can shoulder.
Of course, most project managers know that workflow management—or any other measure of project management success—is important, but how to do it right is often obtuse. For any experienced project manager, you know that figuring out the best project management tips and tricks come with time and experience.
And advice from seasoned project managers.