Project Details

Project Description

Act&Art For Positive Social Change (Act & Art)

– Need Analysis

– Pilot Study in Kranj Slovenia

– Producing Capacity Building Program

Accordingly, the Gallup study of attitudes toward immigration found people in Europe the most negative in the world towards immigration. The majority of residents (58%) said immigration levels in their countries should be decreased. And all that while migrants constitute 4.6% of the European population, a percentage which could be ‘translated’ into numbers as 20 million migrants. Young people in the more disadvantaged segments of society (e.g., amongst NEETS) implicitly will be more likely to disengage and stay out. Our exploratory interviews showed that for many, this ‘staying out’ is a consequence of a perception of being discriminated against, of being neglected by those in power. Refugees and migration is controversial and polarising topic across Europe. However, increasing diversity is a reality that we need to accept. Instead of deepening the division on the subject, more than ever, constructive dialogue is essential. Moreover, today (young) refugees are an intrinsic part of society. In order to overcome the growing tension in society, youth workers have to work together to design the solutions of tomorrow.

One of the most effective tools for inclusion is “art and communication.” It is aimed to use creativity and art to increase diversity and inclusion for the specified target audience in our project. From the beginning, our main concern will be the link between the arts and society, significantly how participation in the arts may enhance social inclusion.


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